This is the first book in the Locked Tomb series and let me tell you, this is such an original story. I can absolutely say I had no idea what I was getting into when i first started looking at reviews for this series. The blerb on the front of the book says "lesbian necromancers in space". I saw the blerb and the sick ass cover art on the book and I was sold. So at the start of the story I was a little confused because it starts right in the middle of a conflict. I had no idea who, what, when, where anything. What kept me engaged was the two main characters and there is a lot of characters. Gideon is our main character. Harrow is one of our many secondary characters. Each person represents a different kingdom, Gideon and Harrow are from the same "Ninth" kingdom. Harrow hires Gideon to be her body guard and together they attend a necromancer work conference, off planet.
Harrow hates Gideon. Harrow hates everything except for her kingdom and her necrolord. Harrow is described as the cool goth, mystery necromancer.
Gideon is cool, unbothered, and head strong. Technically, Gideon is a slave and has no choice but to be wrapped up in her necromancers drama.
At the necromancer work conference Gideon slowly gets to know all of the other people from the different kingdoms and towards the middle of the book things really start cooking. Harrow is nowhere to be found and all the other side characters start dropping like flies.
This book ended so well, I knew I was going to read the second book before I finished Gideon.
This book was a quick read! At the beginning it had a One Piece vibe with how the they introduced new crew members. The plot was fire too!! The story was able to share these characters backstories in a concise way that moved the plot along well. The plot was equally as fire and tbh one specific character inspired me so much, I decided to get back into website building.
Unfortunately, I hated the ending lol. I did not give a single shit about the late-game introduction of the main villian. I was waaay more invested in seeing the crew grow as a family. I forgot the hacker chicks name but when she betrayed the group it sealed this books fate for me.
This book was ardorably cozy. Imo the plot was really well done. The characters and setting were very low stakes/simple and it works well for this story. This book is not very hard to read at all and i would recommend if you enjoy fantasy, childrens happiness, and a light love story.
I thought these were just ok. Granted, I do feel the need to tell you that the ATLA novels is what got me into reading for fun. I loved the Kyoshi novels so much i got a portrait of kyoshi tattooed on my back.
The Yangchen novels left me wanting more. We as a reader knew that Yangchen had a huge legacy because they kept hinting at it in the Kyoshi novels but the plot in these books felt so weak to me, unfortunately.